1. Flip Kick (0mp) Input method: D + ^ + A
2. Turning Kick (10mp) Input method: D + v + A
3. Teleport (10mp) Input method: D + ^ + J (do wroga) / D + v + J (do kolegow)
4. Energy Blast (25mp) Input method: D + > + A
5. Tiger Dash (40mp) Input method: D + > + J
1. Energy Blast (8mp) Input method: D + > + A (+ A + A...)
2. Shrafe (15mp) Input method: D + v + A
3. Whirlwind Kick (15mp + ...) Input method: D + > + J
4. Chasing Blast (20mp) Input method: D + ^ + A
1. Leaf Attack (5mp) Input method: D + ^ + J + A
2. Energy Blast (8mp) Input method: D + > + A (+ A + A...)
3. Shrafe (15mp) Input method: D + v + A
4. Dragon Punch (45mp) Input method: D + ^ + A
1. Fire Ball (15mp) Input method: D + > + A (+ A + A...)
2. Blaze (15mp +...) Input method: D + > + J
3. Inferno (30mp +...) Input method: D + v + J
4. Explosion (60mp + 8hp) Input method: D + ^ + J
1. Ice Blast (20mp) Input method: D + > + A
2. Sommon Sword (30mp) Input method: D + v + J
3. Icicle (30mp) Input method: D + > + J
4. Whirlwind (60mp) Input method: D + ^ + J
1. Leap Attack: (0mp) Input method: D + > + J
2. Multiple Ninja Star: (20mp) Input method: D + > + A (+ A + A...)
2. Transform (30mp) Input method: Gripping Other + D + J + A
3. Hide (70mp) Input method: D + ^ + J
4. Double (70mp) Input method: D + v + J
1. Dragon Palm (30mp) Input method: D + > + A
2. Multiple Shot (30mp) Input method: D + J + A (+ A + A...)
3. Critical Shot (40mp) Input method: D + > + J
4. Sonata of the Death (70mp)Input method: D + ^ + J
1. Energy Blast (15mp)Input method: D + > + A (+ A + A...)
2. Strike (15mp) Input method: D + v + A
3. Leap Attack: (15mp) Input method: D + ^ + J + A
4. Leap Attack2: (15mp) Input method: Strike + J + A
5. Dashing Strafe: (30mp) Input method: D + > + J
1. Energy Blast (15mp) Input method: D + > + A
2. Heal (others) (70mp) Input method: D + ^ + J
3. Energy Shield: (20mp) Input method: D + > + J
4. Energy Disk: (50mp) Input method: D + ^ + A
5. Heal (myself): (70mp) Input method: D + v + J
1. Speed Punch: (10mp) Input method: D + > + J
2. Eye Laser: (25mp) Input method: D + > + A
3. Summon Bats: (40mp) Input method: D + ^ + J
1. Energy Blast: (10mp) Input method: D + > + A
2. Flash Kick: (25mp) Input method: D + ^ + A
1. Devil's Judgement: (30mp) Input method: D + ^ + A
2. Angel's Blessing: (40mp) Input method: D + ^ + J
1. Wolf Punch: (15mp) Inpud method: D + v + A (+A)
2. Energy Blast: (15mp) Inpud method: D + > + A
1. Crash Punch: (0mp) Inpud method: D + > + A (+A)
2. Body Attack: (0mp+...) Input method: D + > + J
1. Shaolin Palm: (20mp) Input method: D + > + A
1. Ice Blas: (15mp) Input method: D + > + J
2. Fire Ball: (15mp) Input method: D + > + A
3. Heal (Others): (70mp) Input method: D + ^ + J
4. Heal (Myself): (70mp) Input method: D + v + J
1. Thunder Punch: (6mp) Input method: RUN + A
2. Thunder Punch: (8mp) Input method: RUN + J + A
3. Running Attack: (0mp) Input method: Run
4. Phoenix Dance: (Omp) Input method: D + v + A
5. Phoenix Palm: (20mp) Input method: D + > + A ( + A + A...)
1. Firzen Cannon: (5mp+...) Input method: D + > + J
2. Overwhelimng Disaster: (20mp) Input method: D + ^ + A ( + A + A...)
3. Arctic Volvcano: (50mp) Input method: D + ^ + J
1. Uppercut: (0mp) Input method: D + ^ + A ( + A )
2. Soul Punch: (0mp) Input method: RUN + A
3. Skull Blast: (2mp+...) Costs: (2mp + ...) Input method: D + > + A ( + A...)
4. Mirror Image: (5mp) Input method: D + J + A ( + J...) , RUN + D ( + J...)
5. Big Bang: (20mp) Input method: D + ^ + J
6. Soul Bomb: (25mp) Input method: D
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